"Yoga has inspired me to start living the life that I want to live, & I hope it inspires you too"

Lisa-Annabel axelsson

One could say I was literally born to yoga, thanks to a helping hand from my wonderful Mum. My Mum was a yoga teacher herself and actually taught a class the day I was born!

After such a fortuitous start to life, it took me a few years to rediscover yoga again, but thankfully I did. Oblivious to the spiritual side of yoga, I was primarily re-attracted by the purely physical side: increasing my flexibility & core strength, toning muscles & of course mastering the many acrobatic poses, which will never cease to amaze me.

I practiced yoga for over two years as a purely physical exercise and reaped many physical benefits from it, but as my practice progressed I also began to notice myself changing. Yoga challenges me, not only in my ability to stay present but it also challenges me to understand what is holding me back both physically & mentally. This understanding is the first step to overcoming those fears. After yoga my mind and any tension I had has melted away leaving me with a clear, calm mind. Yoga brings me back to myself & gives me the space to be me in the chaotic world we live in. Now, more than anything physical, this is what I am to teach you in my classes as it is invaluable in a modern city life. 

Personally, I aim to practice every day. The style of my practice will depend on how my body & mind are feeling that day. I have grown to love the intensity & self-discipline required for Ashtanga practice, I revel in the creative flows of Vinyasa and the foundational wisdom of Hatha and some days I crave the stillness of Yin yoga.  Above all, I listen to my body and I know that even on the days when I am doing a very simple practice that I still feel very powerful benefits. After all, yoga is not about the poses you can get into,  although these can be fun, but it is just about being on your mat and tuning into yourself.

I am a 500hrs + certified yoga teacher having completed my 200hr Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Course at Sampoorna Yoga, India, and my 300hr Hatha Advanced Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Course at AyurYoga Eco Ashram in India and most recently my Pre & Postnatal Yoga certificate with Yoga Gro. I love to share my practice of Hatha, Ashtanga, Dynamic Vinyasa Flow, Gentle Flows, Yin & Restorative yoga, Pre & Postnatal yoga as well as lead guided meditations. I have also completed Leslie Kaminoff's in depth Yoga Anatomy Principles course. Always learning, always growing!

Since 2014 I have been a full-time yoga teacher in Malta & Sweden guiding a mix of group, corporate and private sessions.  I am looking forward to sharing a practice with you here soon!

From dynamic vinyasa, prenatal yoga to seniors yoga, no matter who you are or what your yoga experience is, my classes are open, friendly & challenging if you want them to be. My aim is not to teach you handstand (even though that can be fun) but the main thing I would like you to gain from practicing with me is to learn how to come back to yourself after a stressful day & help you find peace & space within which helps to make everything manageable again.

I very much look forward to sharing with you the knowledge I have gained from my yoga trainings, personal practice & from India!